Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas 2007
It's strange, but I don't think I've ever had a better Christmas. And I'm not really joking or being sarcastic. For some strange reason, this year feels like the best Christmas ever.
Just thinking about it, I have about umm, 5 bucks in my wallet. 76.60 in my bank. Eh, more money than I expected! I thought I got 15 bucks. Hahaha! Got paid from Fry's yesterday, Thanks Wes!
My parents got me clothes from Malaysia when they dropped by 2 weeks ago (Super Thanks!), I'm going to wear my superbright orange-red shirt today! Haha. My sister got me something but I forgot what it is. Hahah! Planetshakers City Church got me the "Free" Album (which I had to pay 25 bucks, but for them to release it early for me, hahah thats a gift in itself!), my uncle and aunty have prepared me a super nice warm meal last night in Melton.
My Father in heaven? An awesome year in 2007. And a hope, a future, and a destiny veiled in mystery that lies before me, that is beyond what I could imagine, dream and ask for. That cost Him not an arm and leg, but Himself entirely. It cost Him Jesus.
Is it the best Christmas? Yes it is. I don't know why. I didn't get the most impressive, or beautiful presents. We didn't even put up a tree.
Maybe this is the best Christmas ever for me, because it's less about everything else the world can offer, but more about Him.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Overnight Prayer
The biggest crew was the 10pm till midnight. I think somewhat close to 300+ people came. Which was amazing. By midnight, the crowd started dwindling a bit. And by about 6am, there was a little over a 100 people. But it's still a awesome turnout.
There had been 4 watches, and 3 breaks in between. Each watch is 2 hours long. So it's from 10pm-12am, 12am-2am and so on so forth. The breaks lasts 20 minutes. So technically out of the 8 hours, we praised, worshiped and prayed for about 7 hours, and then had 1 hour in total rest.
The encouraging part is always to see your best friends pray alongside with you and pray throughout the night. I wonder if it wasn't after exam period, how many other people from PlanetUni would have hold the night as well. To stand the night, sacrificing sleep for the cause of Christ. Thats the really encouraging part. To see young men and women of Christ, crying out for more for God to make a difference in their life. "No matter the sacrifice, Lord we need more". The mood and the atmosphere was just mind-blowing. Although everyone is aching of tiredness, some of the girls are just really hilarious, because their kneeling down, look like their praying, but I think they've fallen asleep. Hehehe. People all worshiping God and walking around the hall praying in tongues continuously, as the prayer leader in front is praying without ceasing.
I believe tonight would be a night to be remembered. It's the first of many more to come. And tonight we have planted seeds of revival in our church. 2008 would be a year of great harvest. Very very great harvest. And it is continually important on our side to continue planting, praying, and pressing in for the increase, that the Holy Spirit would pour out his spirit with a measure that there is no end upon Planetshakers.
An interesting statistic, we grow by 1000 people a year. Pastor Russell wants us to conquer Telstra Dome. Thats a 100,000 people stadium. It's going to take us 97 years to do that. Melbourne has nearly 4 million people. We don't need all 4 million people to be in our church, but Melbourne needs Jesus. And we are one of the fore-frontiers of leading Melbourne into a revival. We need a multiplication to reach the lost! I need a blood-washed Melbourne!
I to go out into all new territories, invading new realms for God. We need new anointings, powerful fresh anointings that were once lost, we need them now and now again. I want anointings like Smith-Wigglesworth, raising people from the dead, John G Lakes, killing diseases by touch, John Wesley, Preaching so powerful that people get convicted of sin miles and miles away, Semple Amy McPherson, that even down the road, the presence and power of God can be felt, people just in awesome fear knowing that the power of God is present, Kris Volloton & Larry Landolph, calling out peoples destiny and deepest dreams without even knowing them, Cho Yonggi, a million people church!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Minding my thoughts and words.
I found myself talking something that I shouldn't. I personally found it weird, and didn't realize I said all that until I guess God pointed out to me about it while working today. I felt I had to repent and change my thoughts concerning the matter.
We first talked about Graces, what Grace are we operating in, just kinda threshing out some ideas and thoughts about what our graces were. And then for some strange reason, we started talking about other people, from other urban life's and stuff. And for some reason, without minding my words and thoughts, I started giving opinions that are, I guess one-sided, and without in consideration of their grace in which they operate in.
I wasn't really bad-mouthing per-se, but I wasn't really giving the respect due, like I was talking about how certain individuals, how I can't really hold them in high regard. But then again, its because I haven't worked long enough with them, or have only seen a bad side of them, without taking the view in total.
Strange, because we were just only talking about Grace, and both nodding about how the little lady who bakes cakes for church in the Kingdom of God is on equal standing to the preacher, or the worship leader. And yet, here I was 10 minutes later talking bad about someone. I felt a bit bad afterwards.
I felt the bible verse I read, I feel I must put into practice. To add salt to wounds, I was thinking of going on a "Positive confession Fast". :D
Proverbs 8:6 - Hear! For I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips be right things.
I think I'm going to need this bible verse more, and maybe start meditating on it.
2 Corinthians 10:15 - Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Yeah, I need to mind my thoughts and my words. Uh Oh, feel like I'm going to start preaching a flood of a lot of things I've just learned. Hee hee. Better stop here for now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jesus = Weight loss program
The Peace of God
The peace of God is a powerful study. Pity I don't know too much about it. But while I was doing a study on it, for some strange reason, I felt further away from the peace of God. Like there was at one time, I for some strange reason had this thought in my mind concerning an assignment, whether I did it well, or maybe I flopped it, which it made me thought about the possibilities of even needing to stay back another semester just to graduate. Wouldn't sound too bad to be honest, as I would fulfill my 2 years studying here and could apply for my PR.
But I don't want to fail, I don't want to be held back. And it was very strange, somewhat, like the thing I am currently reading up on, I am being put to the test. So I held fast, started to worship, prayed, told whatever spirit that is not of God to begone, and the fear allured. I felt peace.
Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else, guard your heart,for it is the wellspring of life.
The book of proverbs is not only an interesting book of philosophy, but it is also the knowledge of perhaps the 2nd wisest man in the world. The wisest is definitely Jesus! Hee hee. As he has the greatest search engine within him, the Holy Spirit. And so do we. But like Pastor Matt says, that we want to be lead, we want to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
To submit to Christ, is to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and let him be our guide in all expects of our life as he knows ALL the answers. Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
I don't know what are the full extent of fear and what are its causes. But I do know that fear causes people to grow old fast, causes people to die. Stress and fear are the same thing, just being put in another word that sounds more matured, and acceptable. We as humans aren't meant to live in fear. Though there is uncertainty and mystery in life, thus fear is not believing in the goodness of God in our life's circumstances. It is partnering with a spirit of unbelief that will only hinder us from hearing when God is giving us the solutions.
1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
There is no fear in love. If we are continually aware of the perfect love of God, we should not fear. Like Jesus, in the boat, amidst the storm, the disciples are screaming, wailing in fear. But Jesus could sleep in the boat, As there are no storms in him. Thus, he could say to the storms, peace be still. I like what Pastor Bill Johnson says that "My internal reality defines the nature of my external reality. If I prosper in my heart, I will prosper". I can only Give what I have. If we have peace in our heart, with Christ has already given us, and we lay hold and claim it, we are able to manifest the peace of God speaking forth into our circumstance.
John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
To be continually aware of the perfect love of God is to know that you are totally redeemed from the sin and death. There is no more punishment awaiting the children of God, as the blood of Christ has covered all sins. So from God, what awaits is only the blessings and grace. Yes, there is moments of training and correction. But this is not done by sickness or disease, neither poverty or adverse sufferings. There are times, God allows the shadows of these into our lives, but it is never to test us above what we cannot bear. As God is a good God. God does not tempt us with evil. (James 1:13).
Perfect love drives out fear, as amidst the deepest darkest circumstance, the knowing that we are in the palms of his hands, and if we only seek him for the answers to our problems, stand fast and believe in the coming of His glory, He is our salvation. Why should there be worry, if you are in the knowing that your life is in his hands, and he loves so much. Thus, the knowledge of his love in our life, would bring us peace, as we know that he is above the storms.
There are times, that we feel like Peter walking on water, when we look away we are sinking, we sink and sink until the waters are all around us, only our head is above the water. But Jesus is there, we will not go under. He will lift us up, and not only lift us up to walk on water, he promises us to lift us up above the storms. Above the clouds. He is absolutely good.
Phillipians 4:6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Praise be to God for this absolutely terrific and pregnant with power verse. Bring everything to the Lord in prayer and thanksgiving. I'm currently reading up on thanksgiving and praise right now. To praise and give thanks amidst circumstance, is to stand on faith, to thank God for the circumstances in life, that though it might not be comfortable, but adverse circumstance unveils the issues of the heart, the truth of the person, and it is an invitation into greatness.
To rejoice amidst circumstance is the opportunity to rise out and live out an expression of faith, that we are more than conquerers. How can you be more than conquerers if there is nothing to conquer? God is good, his mercy endures forever, for it shall only be a day of evil, but we live in seasons of blessings.
And the promise of a peace which transcends understanding will guard our hearts and minds. This is not just some nice phrase that Paul uses. Even Jesus talks about it. I believe that when we are in dire circumstances, the very first thing we should always do is come to God with prayer, petition and thanksgiving as our first and main priority. We tend to go to God last when all options fail.
It is in the peace of God, that circumstances can change. The physical realm is a shadow of the spirit realm.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Good. So so Good.
Just one touch, and my world would never be the same.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Issues of wealth & prosperity
And I have to say, that I've been struggling with it for a very very long while now. But I believe God is renewing not only my mind but also my heart in this area.
The problem about money, is like even the term economics mean. It's the management of scarce resources, and I should know better considering I'm an economics student. According to the world's point of view, resources is scarce, and hence based on the law of demand and supply, whatever that is in demand is worth more, and what has ample supply is worth less. Money is the mediator between commodities.
Money moves the world. Or so the world says.
I have an issue with money. Simple as that. How do I know that? Because I get jealous. I find it a very disturbing notion, but it's simple enough to understand once you just wrap your brain around it.
I remember the other night, a really good friend of mine was telling about her trip to England. She was telling me about how she ended up eating chinese food everynight haha, but she really enjoyed the sights and the views. And just loved travelling around London and stuff. Of course, like the mature man I try to be, I act to be happy. I smile, I laugh, I chit chat and inquire more. But deep down in my heart, I can feel that there is something brewing. Something ugly, a lack of peace for better words. A absence of joy, that I can rejoice in my fellow sister in Christ for her happiness. My rejoicing was empty, it was fake, it was doing it because that seemed like the right thing to do, not because I was truly happy for her. And I should be, but I just can't.
This really troubled me. I had to seek the Lord about it. Because how I've been handling this situation has always been the way the world tells me to. "Grow up John, so what if people are richer, Grow up, stop whining". Although that helped me to some extent, it only covers up the gaping wound that is pulsing of pus, and if left unresolved, it would eventually grow rancid and the spirit of bitterness would creep in. Hence the world is a cruel place out there. People are willing to stab each other in the back for their own advancement in society. People are cruel and ruthless. There is no love, only for themselves. "Grow up" Doesn't work! The best people can hope for is that maybe some day they will be rich. But then again, there are very very rich people who are still bitter, and always wanting to hoard and hoard and hoard more.
The issue of being rich, wealthy and prosperity is not one of the physical presence of money. But it is an issue of the heart.. Unresolved issues of the heart will only hinder me from receiving the grace of God that he has in store for me. I believe the jealousy that I hold deep down in my heart when I hear someone tells me something great that happens in their life is because I am partnering with a spirit of unbelief.
I remember a while back, the second week of February 2007. I was praising and worshipping God. Singing Planetshakers - Big. And I was just worshipping, screaming to the top of my lungs. And I felt as if God was telling me, "John you are rich". And I just broke down crying. I was just worshipping and just thanking God, rejoicing with all my heart for his goodness in my life. And I believed, from this day onward "I am Rich". From that day onwards, I started changing my thoughts, no longer will I ever say "I am poor", rather "I am Rich" let it be a confession of my mouth.
And soon after that, during our Planetshakers Baptism service, I had a word from God, he was telling me that He wanted me to be the same, before and after he releases the blessings on me. That I would not be turned from him. I would not be moved. The blessings of God is so good, that it will not destroy us but we in turn, should attempt to prepare ourselves to receive. That I would not be swayed when the outpouring comes.
Deuteronomy 8:17And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth.
18But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
And we although Gentiles are of the promise of Abraham. For it says in Galatians 3:14 -That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
It is by Jesus, his Grace poured out to me, paid by His blood, that he will give me the power to get wealth.
The issue about wealth, and being rich amongst Christians, is always the very misquoted verses of 1st Timothy Chapter 6. I used to debate it to no end, but I thank God that also God has been revealing to me the entirity of this verse in its context, the meaning of it.
1 Timothy 6:3-10
3If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
6But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
The problem with money, like I said, is the issue of it in the heart not the physical presence of wealth. 1st Timothy 6:5 is the clearest meaning to the entirity of what its all about.
"who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain."
We live under Grace, and not under the law. The law says, that if you do good, God will prosper you. If you do bad and not follow God's commandments, the curse will fall on you which is sickness, destruction, and poverty. Thus, like the in John 9. When they asked Jesus why is the man blind, was it His sins or his parents sins. When people become rich, they believe it is by their good works that brought them the wealth. It is by THEIR WORKS that they boast in.
1st Timothy 6:10 - For the LOVE OF MONEY. Not money. But the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. And they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
They seek after Money, they do not seek God. I like what Pastor Brad was saying the other day in DNA. That the Love of Money can be seen in everywhere. Even in porn, why do people degrade themselves? Money, because it's such a exploding industry. There is just so much money inside it that people are willing to do all things to themselves for money. The world loves money, even Jesus says, that Matthew 6:24 "You cannot serve God and Mammon".
The issue of the heart, is that when you are poor, you can still be going crazy over money, desiring more and more. But a man who trusts in God when he is rich, he is cool, not running after money, but after the One who gives you power to get wealth.
I never quite understood the verse 1 Timothy 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain". Until now, but still not in full revelation. To me, contentment especially financially is like a abberation and contradiction to the verses of us asking to ask God for more.
Like in
1 John 5:14This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.
Matthew 21:22 - 22And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Christians do not ask for finances as they believe money is evil, which is wrong. There is no difference in asking God to bless your family, bless your finances, bless even your dog. For the blessings of God is health, and wealth, and favor. Just see Deuteronomy 28. Even Jabez prayed and asked God to bless him, and he received it. (1 chronicles 4:10).
What is the issue? Godly contentment but okay to ask for more. Doesn't make sense does it? Not without the issue of the heart. It is not the physical presence of money, but the heart. You can ask God for money because your heart is right with God.
How do you know that your heart is right with God?
Mark 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
It is not so much the physical presence of money. But the willingness and utter submission to Christ, that if God pops up to you right now, and asks you to give everything you have and follow him. Will you do it? Jesus LOVED THE RICH YOUNG RULER! And all he asks, is for us to pick up our cross and follow him.
The issue of the heart of Godliness with contentment, can be further exampled in the ability to give your tithes. Acts 4:32-35. The people of the church of Acts sold EVERYTHING that they had. They were willing to give it all up for Jesus.
Why are they willing to give up all? Because, God is worth it and he shall provide all our needs according to his riches in Grace. Does it mean that we are meant to give up everything to our church? No.
1st Corinthians 9:6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
7Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
It is not how much money, but the issue of submission. If you tithe generously without any remorse or feeling of lack, it shows that you are in line with living in Grace, living in the Spirit, your HEART is in the right place, not in Money but in God. That you know deep in your heart that God is able to make all Grace abound toward you. That YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SUFFICIENT IN ALL THINGS, THAT YOU CAN DO GREAT WORKS!!!!!!
Hence. I believe "I am Rich". Seriously. I am so Rich. So So So Rich. Why? Because God's Grace which is more than super awesome will abound to me.
Phillipians 4:19 - But my God shall supply ALL YOUR NEEDS according to HIS RICHES in glory by Christ Jesus.
When Jesus died. Was it a poor death? Was his sacrifice worth so little? No. All the universe from the beginning of time till now, all the riches, all the gold, everything put together will not weigh a inch near Jesus. And he shall supply all my Needs according to HIS RICHES.
Ephesians 3:20 - Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.
Anything that I can think of. He is going to do better. He is going to do more! He is seriously going to blow my mind away with what he is going to do in my life.
Hence, "I AM RICH", I AM SOO SOOO SOOOOOOO SOOOOO RICH!!! It is not only the issue physical presence of money, it is the issue of the heart!
"when you believe that you are rich in Christ, it manifests inward out. Like a River it flows into us and out changing atmospheres, manifesting into reality the Kingdom of Heaven, the will of God of the fourth dimension into our third dimension " - Pastor Russel Evans.
I used to know this in head, but not in heart. That when you Believe that you are Rich in Christ, your circumstances will change. It will not stay the same as it was. But it WILL INCREASE. Because Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11), Through faith, the worlds were framed by the WORD OF GOD. SPEAK OUT THAT YOU ARE RICH in faith.
I don't know how to put this best till Pastor Bill Johnson put it down in awesome words. "For we are to crucify ourselves in Christ, submitting our personal desires and dreams and putting ourselves on the Cross and follow Jesus. But the problem of the church is that we not only crucify the old self, we crucify the resurrected spirit!!!, When you are born of God, God will put in you new dreams, new desires, new passions. And by pursuing your dreams, desires and passions with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost(Romans 14:17)"
If you believe you are rich, you will have more than enough, more than you'll dream of. You are rich. It is not whether you have a million, a billion or a trillion dollars. It is MORE THAN ENOUGH, and not only in money, but in all aspects of your life, concerning friends, family and all your circumstance in life. Everyone around you shall be blessed because of you. And God will command the increase.
Like the story of the servants with the talents (Matt 25:14). If you follow the Kingdom of God in Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, God WILL command the increase of everything that you have, doubling, tripling AND YOUR MONEY AS WELL.
The only person that didn't double his wealth was the man who hid his talent in the sand. Why? Because he said this
Matt 25:24 "Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
25And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. "
That man didn't believe that
1) God is a generous God.
2) God commands the blessing, it is God who gives us the power to get wealth.
3) He was afraid of money (like so many in the Christian circles), and hid it in the earth.
Whahahahaahahah. I'm so happy right now.
Back to the introduction. The world believes in Scarcity of resources. God believes in multiplication of loves and fishes.
The world believes Money moves the world. No, Christians that is empowered by the Holy Spirit that moves the world.
1 Timothy 6:17 - 17Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
18That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;
19Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
God wants to give us RICHLY ALL THINGS. RICHLY ALL THINGS, RICHLY ALL THINGS for us to enjoy. But put your trust not in money, neither be proud. And if you are so bloody rich in physical wealth, you will do great works. Always Ready to distribute and communicate with others to bless the nations. Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come. That Christ is number 1 in my life. Not money.
I am rich. I don't have that much money yet. But I am rich, and God will command the increase in my life.
Being rich is not only what you can do for yourself. But what you can do for everyone around you. With what little that you have, you are rich when you can bless others. I am able to buy Assam Laksa for my urban life. I can give 10% of my tithes to church. I can spend more on my friends. I am rich because I don't have to strive and stay back till crazy hours at work. I am rich because I don't have people chasing after my possessions because I cannot pay them back. I am rich because I have friends and family who love me and I am able to spend quality time with them.
I am so super rich. And the best part? God is going to command the increase NOW.
God is setting me free in this area. I don't know if I've been fully redeemed yet. But I feel the way to overcome jealousy over other peoples blessings is to know. That I am rich. It is the issue of the heart, not the physical presence of money. And God will command the increase.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Praise - Empowered to push on. (selah)
Well I do tend to get that from time to time, as my mind haven't been totally renewed from my life circumstances. I'm continuing to believe in God, asking him to help change my mind, to walk not in sight, but in faith as he change me slowly. Changing my perspective on the world. As I believe from the springs of faith inside me, shall swell up and change atmospheres all around me.
In times like these when it seems most dark, I'm learning how to praise. Praise God like there is no tomorrow, learning like David, to praise God despite all circumstances, like Josiah when the enemies surround him from all sides, he praised God. There is something very powerful in praise. Praise You in the valleys and praising You in the mountains. Planetshakers acknowledges it, I even have the bible verses to back it, but right now feeling abit too lazy to find for it. Maybe I will meditate on them tonight before I sleep.
But yeah, at the moment right now, my situation feels very dark. But once I start to praise, The atmosphere changes. Fear turns to faith, and I am no more partnering with a spirit of unbelief, but with the spirit of God who sees all things are possible in Christ Jesus.
"Every story that has lasting effect in your life, has been when the impossibilities of life bend its knees to the name of Jesus" - Pastor Bill Johnson.
I have an impossibility right in front of me right now. But I shall not be afraid. Neither should I be jealous of those who don't suffer the same life's challenges as me. But I shall rejoice, until the ones who come against me flee 7 ways. I shall not foster or develop offense towards God by legitimizing my own unbelief.
Rather I shall rejoice again. That the victory is in the here and now, and all his provisions come equipped for me to say to the mountain be removed, and it shall.
Joel 2:25And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
26And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
True Relationships
What I love and I felt most important, is the culture of freedom and choice in relationships. That there is no control, no subjugation, but freedom in relationships. Freedom with discipleship.
The problems about a lot of churches is that they put rules and regulations when coming into relationships. Like no kissing, cannot do this, cannot do that, have to wait for a certain time period and so what not. Although it may sounds good, but it is still legalism. Boundaries, or in IT, it's hard systems approach hahaha, where you need soft-systems approach as everyone is different, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. :P
Planetshakers doesn't want that. Rather it is with prayer and supplication and having a friend who has the Holy Spirit to encourage and make sure that what you are thinking and saying is in line with the Spirit and not the flesh. That we may learn to continually walk in the spirit together in partners with Christ the third party in a relationship that it may be holy and acceptable unto God. Not with rules and regulations but with the Spirit.
I think thats the biggest thing that strikes me. It put a big big big big grin on my face throughout the entire session. :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Identity in Christ
One of my friends blog got me thinking about this for a while. And for him it was in the case of changing his identity for his friends or to do his own thing for himself. But to be honest, sometimes even friends can be delirious and selfish. I think true friends would want the best for their friends, but at the same time want their friend to be happy. I think its better to take a humble approach, where you suggest, and not force. And to realize that what we think is best for us, might not necessarily be good for others. One mans food is another mans poison.
Now going back to identity. I was just thinking about Owen Wilson. Where he attempted to commit suicide. I wonder whether actors suffer from identity crisis. Theres so many stories about actors, when they act, they believe they are the personality, they are the person themselves. They mould their belief and identity to try and become like the person their supposed to act. I remember not too long ago, Owen Wilson acted in a movie where he attempted suicide as well. Try to slit his wrists. Just thinking of another actor in Malaysia, where he acted as a homosexual pedophile. Apparently he got too into it, that his girlfriend had to leave him as he was getting creepy. :P That actors get too caught up in being everyone else, that at the end of the day, they don't know who they really are anymore. Owen Wilson was such a funny actor and comedian. To be honest, he's one of the very last few people on my mind for me to realise that he is suffering from depression.
Yeah, back to identity, I seem to be going everywhere. So, who am I? I think a lot of people ponder about this continually day and night, and its always changing as you get older. I was John the kid, John the primary school student, John the secondary school student, John the Uni student, maybe soon John the lover, John the husband, John the businessman, John the multi-billionaire, John the great father. Hohoh.
But I guess the one thing I can continually have as a pillar of strength, the thing unchanging in my life in terms of identity. The thing that I'm always going to continue pursuing and be like. I want to be like Jesus Christ.
He is supposed to be my identity. That when I've picked up my cross to follow him, I am suppose to assume to be like him. That he has traded places with me, that where I was sick, now I'm healed, where I was poor, now I'm rich, where I was condemned, now I'm free. The revelation of his sacrifice for me, springs up love unconditional, knowing how much he has done for me, I want to walk in his footsteps, to do the things he do, to love people the way he does, to cause great signs and wonders and shake the very foundation of this earth like Jesus is still doing.
I think i'm saying these things in a very shallow manner. Because I don't have too much revelation on it yet. But I want to continue to pursue and learn more, go deeper into the identity of Christ. As therein lies the power to be more than conquerers, to overcome all of lifes circumstance, to destroy the works of the evil one on this earth. And accelerate the coming of Christ by learning how to receive and let his Glory shine through me that I may be the salt and light of this earth, and no one can deny that Jesus Christ lives.
I remember on my forum, someone asked "Whats so great about Jesus". 2000 years later, people still talk about him fervently, 2000 years later, its the most powerful religion on the face of the earth, 2000 years later, it's still going strong, and its getting stronger.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Heart of Passion
Give me a heart that moves as what moves yours, break my heart for what break yours,
a heart that desperately seeks after you,
a heart that hears the gentle beat of Christ
a heart that moves with the peace of the Holy Spirit within me,
a heart that loves unrestrained,
a heart that believes in the things you have in store,
a heart that wants to move mountains
a heart that doesn't want to be left out from your path
a heart that understands the needs of the people around me,
a heart for the lost,
a heart for my brothers and sisters,
A soft, beating heart of love. And love for You, and you alone.
Monday, August 13, 2007
God is good!
Got my tax returns! Hallelujah! Going to give a big sum to God, then save the rest for my mom & dad when they come here for holiday.
Going to fix the car so don't have to walk in the cold to work anymore. And and and, the rest to pay off my visa! Yay!
Praise God! Oh yeah, my school fee's. Ah-Koo's covering everything! YAY!
There's more fantastic great things coming as well. But with great blessings come Great Responsibility! Hahah. Where did I get that from? hmm. :)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The fulfillment of the Law. Love.
Verse 9 - For this, thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Verse 10 - Love worketh no ill to his neighour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
To me, thats just Wow.
I've been doing a study on the Love of God, and Law vs Grace for quite a while now. And This has really open up my eyes, or connect the dots. I've been doing a very slow study of the book of Romans, which is more or less the theological foundation of Christianity.
And I love it. That Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. That we fulfill the law not by the works of the law, but by the spirit of the law, which is Love.
That we fulfill the law, by loving one another. Not by "Do's" and "Don'ts". But by loving your neighbour as yourself, you do things in love.
I sin not, not because I fear God, that he will punish me if I do wrong.
I sin not, because God has poured our his love on me through Jesus Christ and many more blessings to come, that I couldn't even be bothered thinking of Sin, but just want to love God, and love everyone else around me, and share the love of Christ and his wonderfulness in my life.
That is living in Grace. :) The true fulfillment of the law through the spirit and not through works.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Gospel
I believe there is a lot of Christians out there, who don't know the Good News, they know portions, and some even more, some even less. And neither do I, but I believe I have at least a dip of something more than the average Christian folk out there.
What is the gospel? Gospel means the good news. Of what? Repent, and your sins are forgiven. Repent means to change your mind, your thoughts. That Jesus the son of God came down to die for us for the forgiveness of our sins, that we can return to God if we so chose to without needing to do anything but just accept the gift which is Christ Jesus.
The problem then, is always about religion. Christianity is not a religion, its a relationship. A religion is a set of rules, a book of do's and don'ts. If you do this, God will bless you, if you don't God will destroy you.
Christianity should never be and it never was a religion. The people that crucify Jesus, that mocked him, that tried and kill him while he was alive were the Pharisee's. The keepers and the holier than thou people. Don't mock the Pharisees, for every law or good work you can keep, the Pharisees can do it better. They are people of utter seriousness to the law, they are people of outmost outstanding and they still exist today in all forms. But these are not the people Jesus hung out with but rather Jesus criticized them for their hypocrisy.
Jesus hung out with the foul mouthed fisherman, the hated tax collectors, the prostitutes, the people of every day and walk of life. "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick" Matt 9:12. He came to the people who are in need of a savior, not the people who are trying to be the savior.
Why did Jesus criticize the pharisees, the upstanding people of society, for their hypocrisy? Their doing so much good, their giving so much to the poor, they are making society a better place.
Because, it is not good enough. Their salvation is born out of flesh. Their own works.
God is a God of order. Where there is sin, it must be punished. Either in this world or the next. Where does sin come from? Since the garden of Eden, when Satan tempted Eve into eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.
What is the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil? It is not sin. But it is wrong for man to eat it. Why? It's simply means, independence. As in Genesis 3:5, "You shall be as God, knowing good and evil". The KNOWLEDGE of knowing GOOD and EVIL simply means that you are responsible for your actions.
Have you ever wondered, what is God's standard? I mean, if there is a standard in heaven, as to whether you can enter or not. What would it be? In the Old Testament of the Bible there is never a stated standard, never a measurement. I asked my muslim friends, they say it's 50%, that if you do more good than bad you can enter. For the Jews, they also don't have any idea, but their trying their best, and some really go so far to give their lives to earn their salvation. Same goes with even catholics to be honest, who become nuns and priests for erroneous reasons.
What is the standard in the new testament? Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God". The standard is, impossibility. It is perfection. Utmost perfection that is unattainable.
There is a belief that sins are quantifiable. Like I was telling Surein and Nicole. He was asking me about my belief on homosexuality. I believe it was a sin. But there is no such thing as a more worse or less worse sin. In the eyes of God, a boy who lies to his mother about his grades is just as bad as a homosexual pedophile who preys on small young boys. There is no big and small sin. Even the bible quantifies FEAR as sin. The bible says that they are the first people to enter into Hell. The fearful, people who are afraid all the time. Being afraid is a sin. Yes it is true. Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Then how can man ever be saved? Who is this God, who creates us, to even begin with have no chance only to be destroyed in hell? What kind of evil God or mad God who could do such a thing? It's just simply irrational to create something then destroy us like were his puny playthings. Simple things to throw around. IF none can be saved, then why live our pathetic useless lives? Might as well live like the devil and do what we want, rape pillage and murder. We're all going down to the hellhole anyway, might as well go off with a bang.
Hence, in all religions, every religion can call God Great. They know his sovereignty and his judging hand or power. They FEAR God, the pharisees and the uber religious give their craziest best to God. Some even willing to strap bombs and sacrifice themselves thinking its Gods will, currying favor to enter into Heaven with the promise of 72 virgin wives. Some dedicating their lives to a cause, to ever abstain from sex and alcohol and work in a church the rest of their lives.
Only Christians, can call God love.
There is such a thing called, the transference of sin. In all cultures and ancient religion, there is always a sacrifice. It means, that something has to die in your place, your sins being transferred unto a innocent lamb. It sounds barbaric, but even in law, there is something called the law of double jeapordy, that no man can be punished twice for the same act.
And that is why to Christians, Jesus who is God himself manifested into flesh and died in our place. Hence Christians call him "The Lamb of God", The ultimate sacrifice to take our place. The final one and perfect sacrifice.
Romans 3:24 - "and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus."
The Gospel or the Good news simply means, you don't have to work for your salvation anymore. Salvation is freely given. It is a gift from God, it is priceless, but not cheap, it is attainable to all and it cost the most expensive thing in the universe. Sounds like good news? Or rather "Too Good to be true news". But thats exactly what it means in the Greek. THE GOOD NEWS, the gospel.
Hence Christians are the only one who can say God is Good. And God is Love. When you have a God who is Righteous, judging, but at the same time Merciful. It is impossible for mercy to mix with Judgement. Because if you are fair, and God is fair, too fair. Every sin must be punished. And hence mercy came in the form of his Son to those who would believe.
All God is asking, is that you point at Jesus. He is the one who takes away the sin of the world. By faith you believe in Jesus, that you are forgiven from all your sins, and you are forgiven. Why did he do that for you?
"For God so Loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever would believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" - John 3:16
That is the Gospel. It is the message that God loves you. He never meant it to be this way, but man chosed independence. He wanted to live his own way. But now he's offered you a way back. Which is through Christ Jesus. This is THE GOSPEL.
Hence, Christians is the only religion on this planet that can call God Love.
"To know the heart of God, is to know the character of Christ."
John 8: 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11"No one, sir," she said."Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
God is not angry at you anymore. He does not want to condemn you. But he has to. But you don't have to be if you would only hear the good news.
Homosexuality and Christianity
Romans 8:1 = There is therefore now no more condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
Homosexuality is a sin, but no more or less than stealing intellectual property like downloading movies, watching pornography, living in fear.
Homosexuals need forgiveness which is in Christ Jesus, not condemnation from the church. And if they want to leave their lifestyle, it is always open to them that we should pray for them. I don't know if it works, but I believe there is a God, and he is here to help if you want his help.
If not and want to stay homosexual, there is therefore now no more condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. :D And that is the most important message of the bible.
I'll post more in my Christian blog. As there is so much more to talk about this topic. But I think this would be enough from my supposed 'christian-less' blog. :P "Less" not "None". :P
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Savior King
And it's the first part of the song that so speaks to me. Just gives me goosebumps, but the warm and fuzzy type.
"And now the weak say I have strength
By the spirit of power that raised Christ from the dead
That now the poor stand and confess
That my portion is here, that I'm more than blessed."
Dad, my portion is here. And I'm more than blessed!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Life's Good, and it can only get better!
I mean, theres been so many opportunities that passed me by, possibilities that have been squandered, and so many things have not gone the way I wanted to. I was a bit melancholic just now to be honest. Just thinking about the life I could have lead, especially comparing it to my peers, seeing how they enjoy life and all their worries it sometimes feel insignificant that they've missed out on the big picture compared to my problems.
But really lah, I was just thinking about it. And the more I think about it, I just feel worse. Till I put on some Christian music and realise, that my worries are insignificant and I've missed out on the big picture. Like David, a 'selah' moment.
God has been truly awesome and good to me. I'm here in Australia, where most of my friends have not come, I have an awesome job, that pays well, and gives me a bright future. I have nearly supported myself 100%, but of course with the help of my sister and the emotional and spiritual support of my dad, mom, brother and sister in law. :)
Either than that, Jesus has been good during my studies. And I believe he has a bigger plan awaiting for me. Plans not to hurt me, but to prosper me in all things as my soul prospers. It's about time my life's back on track.
Aih, I'm really needing a miracle. I would like to call it a big one, but to be honest, to God, whether its a headache or a cancer, it's neither big or small to him but the same. It's only big and small to us if we look through our own eyes. But through the eyes of faith, all things are possible in Christ.
So, I'm needing one, but I believe in the power of seeds and in the harvest. Man know not the time or the how it grows. But by the looks of the field, harvest is just about ripe for the picking. And I shall have my harvest. :) It's going to be so huge. I can already see it, but yet I cannot enjoy it yet. I have to be patient, I have to just rest in my God.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
God is the author and creator of love. Love is : not that we love God, but he first loved us. (1 John 4:10). And even all over Corinthians, about how with all the gifts if you have not known love, you are like a resounding Gong.
I personally take the topic of love very closely in my heart. I believe there is so much revelation and power in love of Christ for us, the supernatural transformation. The boldness and the peace to step out, knowing that nothing shall come upon you, like Jesus sleeping in the boat with the storm, or him walking through the crowd that wanted to stone him.
I don't want just a point in theology, but I seriously want a divine experience again, I believe in biblical knowledge, but also experience is just as important, and in the church we have just brushed off experience for knowledge, saying its all just emotions and comes to nothing. But I personally think many of the people of the new church had very little knowledge, but with what very little biblical knowledge they have, they have felt the touch of his presence, and went on and do great things. They didn't have the bible. But they know Jesus healed and is still healing, and went out and healed. I don't want to know God in doctrine, but in person.
1st Corinthians 4:19,not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power. 20 for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. 20 What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod? Or in love and in the spirit of meekness?
To know Him not only in head, but also in heart.
Hearing Pastor Bill Johnson, the word 'know' over here is the same as Adam Knew Eve, and she bore a son. Strangely enough, this sermon which I downloaded like on Sunday, I didn't knew it would be about this verse that I had read the night before. I want to know God, and let him bore in me that will give birth to a supernatural transformation in me.
I want A touch, a warm huggie hug of his presence, to know that it's all alright, that I am his super beloved son, that I am a King and Priests and big things are going to happen in my life, a firm assurance and affirmation. That Jesus be so glorified in my life, that I don't have to try very hard, Jesus is just exploding, pouring our like rivers of living water out of me.
Oh man...
You know what, I love the way how girls cry so easily sometimes. Especially during prayer, they can just so easily tap into God, just open up and just remember the love again and just feel him, heheh, just remembering our prayer time we had a month ago or few weeks, where we just had a 'thank you' session and the girls just started crying. For me, I find it hard sometimes. The last time I cried in church was in February. Not that I want to force it or anything, but I just want him to just pour himself into me. Just pour into me your love God. Make my heart soft and fleshy to just absorb and just soak in his love and transform me from the inside out.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Jesus Camp
Well, Jesus camp ain't that bad to that extent, as in they are fundamental, but not radical but of course it has been cut and pasted to show similar to that effect, especially the zeal and he Christian wackiness of the people running the camp.
I think a word of description is needed for my definition of fundamental and radical. I believe Fundamentals are super law-based or very religious individuals. That they believe in right and wrong so sternly that sometimes its almost Pharisee-like. A good example would be this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCODIhAXbQM , the infamous "God-Warrior". :D To see how fundamental they are. Heheh, A fundamental would push their beliefs in your face. But a Radical will kill you for it. So to me, thats where the line stands between a fundie and a Radical. Of course, the Jesus camp people are fundies. And no where in the movie did they ever want to harm people or cause any harm to people.
Hmm, thinking about religious militancy, I think it is important to know, that Christ doesn't call us to be soldiers to fight for him against men. Like during the time of Jesus, the people wanted to make him the King of the Jews, because they believe that he is their awaited Savior from the line of David, that would come and rescue them from the Romans and restore the Kingdom of Israel. Which Jesus had no intention to at that time. And hence they crucified him.
Jesus called for us to go out, preach the Good News, heal the sick, destroy the work of the evil ones, which is casting out demons. Not raise an army, and put those who don't believe to the sword. Like Jesus says, if they don't receive you, dust the dust off your feet, and move on to the next town.
Yeah, back to Jesus camp, Kinda side-tracked. Well, I really disapprove with Jesus Camp. I think the whole thing is pretty messed up lah, just to simply put it.
I think the biggest irk on my shoulder concerning Jesus camp would be the amount of politics their feeding the kids. I mean, their just kids for heaven sake. I don't see why they need to teach kids about global warming, evolution and creationism, and anti-abortionism. I mean, what does this have to do with Jesus?
What happened to teaching kids about Jesus feeding the 5 thousands and calming the storm, Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, Noah's ark, and all the happy stories of the bible? Instead their being fed the sickness of America! Kids unborn being culled, creationism, George Bush and the rest? I think there is something doctrinally seriously wrong. They seem to be harping on issues that doesn't matter, that does not benefit the believer in anyway whatsoever.
It's really sad that state of issue, that their being too bothered with the things of the World and not the Things of Christ. Teach the kids the Love of Christ, not political issues.
For me, I think I can live my entire life happily totally oblivious as to whether the world was created in 6 days or few billion years, and whether we came from monkeys or from the earth. I personally couldn't care less. I learn both, I think what I like, but it doesn't shake the foundation of my faith one bit, because it's not based on creation, but on redemption. The Finished work of Christ!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The significance of Jesus Death on the Cross
Anyway, this is what I Said
Wooooaaaaaah, this is going to be heavy bible-study material, and unfortunately i'm amidst exam right now. Because this is will be a good study on the promises of God and the new covenant. And heheh, to fully understand the significance of the death of Jesus on the Cross, heheh, wow. Hahah, you'll be totally transformed.
Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us from all our sins. But I think sometimes like Thorns say, we don't understand sometimes the burden and weight of sin, and now being righteous in God's eyes.
I think like Jesus says in the parable "He that is forgiven much, loves me much" Luke 7:47
But I like what Reflector says by 'overpaid', to me it's semantics, I think it's not accurate, but he simply means that we just don't understand the gift of Christ, as there is more meaning that just being cleansed of sin and going to heaven. "John 10:10 - I came that they might have life and life more abundantly."
By his death, we are cleansed from all our sins.
Being cleansed from our sins means that we are righteous in Christ, we have the righteousness of Christ, and in Him we are Righteous. (all over romans,Galatians,Hebrews, etc too lazy to check)
And because we are righteous, we are
1) Able to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (This one I need to do some deep bible study into these, as to whether the Gift of the Holy Spirit is a gift because of the death of Christ on the Cross in John 16 it says that he has to go, if not the Holy Spirit will not come, or for some other reason, but I remember someone said that the people who could heal and cleanse people during the time before Jesus died had not the Holy Spirit IN them but ON them, like prophets or people of old,in John 15, it does say that they were cleansed by the word, but not fully forever by the blood, and only the Holy Spirit entered into people because they are cleansed by the blood of the lamb, and that is where we differ so greatly from the old covenant people, if anyone has revelation, do share)
2) Free from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13) Curses can be found in leviticus or something if your interested hee hee.
3) To be redeemed from the Law in which we can Have intimate relationship with God in which he is now our father. That we are no longer servants but sons of God (Galatians 4:5)
4) In which we have confidence to ask anything according to his will.
(And thus we should study the will of God, especially the blessings and inheritance, which includes the blessings of Abraham, Galatians 3:6 onwards and Romans 11 onwards) Hence, that is where you get the Prosperity Gospel from, because they study the blessings of Abraham given not to only the Jews (which are the richest and most influential race in todays modern history) but also the the Gentiles.
5) We are a new creation, we are now Sons of God, Kings and Priests. Okay, this is getting into some really spiritual stuff that some of you might start shooting at me, especially those that don't believe miracles still happen today.

I like how Pastor Bill Johnson (you can get his stuff in the sermon downloads) puts it, and he has alot more bible verses concerning this topic, I haven't done a thorough study on this and hence I don't have much verses to it. But, now that we are now seated in heavenly places, when we are still on earth.(Hehe this sounds very sci-fi) That we are now ambassadors of another world, which is the Kingdom of Heaven and we have authority on the earth to destroy the works of the evil ones. (Kings and Prince), healing the sick, casting devil out of people, binding and breaking demonic influences, loosing the spirit of God and providence. (Probably need a new thread if you want to discuss on this)

I think more simply put, everything Christ is, because he team-tagged and switch places.
I think there's more. But I got to get back to study. I've already spent an hour thinking about this.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Fires around my life
I'm kinda feeling that right now, as my exams approach, there's just suddenly a lot of distractions keep on popping up my life. And its been causing me to be in fear. Stress is just another name for fear. Hence, it's been causing me to be fearful.
But I will cast it upon the Lord for he cares for me. When a miracle is what I need, its a miracle that I would get. My job is to do what I'm supposed to do, which is to study hard, pass all my exam papers, which isn't impossible, and let God handle the rest of my problems.
It's strange, but I hate it when I have problems especially those that are just beyond me. I really hate it, but it's like Paul says, thorn in the flesh, pain in the butt, and I'm really praying that God removes them in my life. But at the same time, why it's there, is so that I can only trust in him and truly no one else. And it's sometimes so hard to just put our trust in God and God alone, because to be honest, it's my unbelieving heart in God's goodness and mercy to trust in him over my situation. And I hate that.
But I will step into this new realm of faith. That beyond my circumstance, the storm rise and crash all around me, it shall not overcome me, it shall not destroy me. Jesus you are in my boat, and I will rest in you.
I hate the uncertainties in life, but I love the certainties of Christ, that I am greatly blessed, highly favoured, and deeply loved. Man call it uncertainties, because they don't have God on their side, but God is on my side, I know for certain, that I am deeply loved, greatly blessed and highly favoured in he Lord.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Prayer for studies!!
God give me quality time, that when I study, I'll study smartly and do well! Amen.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Convictions of his realness
I thought about it for a while, of course we can always say that
1. The bible says so. The Word of God that convicts
"Oh because the bible says so", and really it does and I wouldn't doubt you. But for someone who doesn't know Christ, they would question the authenticity of the bible and go into a endless battle of nonsense, especially if their the intellectual sort. But to the smartest of them all, like Einstein, they believe in a God, or some kind of higher being, but not necessarily a personal God. And to people like them, this is where the message of the Grace of God is needed to explain the character of God.
But the word of God inside of us is very very powerful! Confirmed by the Holy Spirit, we are Kings and Priests to speak power into our lives. The Bible says so, the word inside us is the foundation of faith. Though the non-believer may not understand, but for us, my conviction is also Word-Based and it must be WORD BASED if not your believing in a lie and not the truth, for the Bible is the truth.
2. Emotions and/or a touch from his Spirit.
How about emotions that God is real? It is A revelation of God's love in your life. I think some and most people in Planetshakers accept Christ because of this. That they had a touch from God during church either during the worship or during the sermon. That a emotion or a spirit fell on them and they just believe in it. And I think there is nothing wrong with it, I think it's AWESOME! But at the same time, thats why you have Christians who continually run from service to another or listen to Christian music continuously to be filled with the spirit of worship and praise to continue to be in the Joy of God. I think there's nothing wrong with it, but I believe there is also another higher way.
What I hate is people who discredit this, and say that this emotions are all fake, and there must be taught the 10 commandments and get all religious. I hate that.
The revelation of his love, that comes in more than just a form of feelings, but also a realization of the truth that just opens up your spiritual eyes and this one is which it will not be taken from you. When words of revelation falls on soft soil. And it changes the whole person into a renewed creation which he would go on to be a great man of God. And wonders, signs and miracles would follow straight after that.
3. The guilty conscience
This personally to me is the worst, but it's neither wrong, just that they have to be brought to Grace right after. Some people accept Christ because they fear Hell, and therefore they want to get right with God again.
But we cannot continue in these once the person has been born again. God condemns you no more of sin once you have accepted Christ. He remembers your sin no MORE! (Hebrews 8:12) Now that you have, you should be pursuing the Christian life which is to live in VICTORY. To continue looking at Jesus and not at ourselves and our ex-sin-filled lives.
4. Miracles and Signs of wonders.
I don't know why traditional Christians write this off. But the early church brought thousands to Christ by Signs and Wonders healing the sick and casting out demons. This is also why Charismatic and Pentecostal churches are harvesting in millions all over the world to the cause of Christ. There has never been such a powerful movement of God, and it's moving stronger and stronger going around the world!
Never ever brush of Miracles, signs and wonders because it's not intellectual enough to fill your head. It is the spirit of religiousity, that the Pharisees, Saducees, Scribes see Jesus did great wonders yet still Put Jesus on to the Cross.
I personally think this is probably one of my strongest convictions. And without it, the Christian life is dry, boring, it's a religion. I like what Pastor Bill Johnson says, that he doesn't want what the world is able to replicate, he wants something that only truly it has to be God made and perfected. Not some occult or the world can replicate. But a true miracle that it HAS to be only God.
And the best part is that it starts off in faith and the revelation of God's love that he has redeemed me and he wants me to live the abundant life. That You believe it first, and then you receive. Planting it like a seed, and then it grows and then manifest into reality!
5. The Seeds of Abraham
The Jews and the Arabs. But mostly the Jews. Their existence and blessings alone is a evidence that God is alive and he Exists. And the best part, is that we are inheritors of the blessings of Abraham!
I'm trying to think of anymore of the convictions that I believe that he exists.
But I'll stop at here, because this is what I can conjure up for the moment.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
God gave me strength!!
28Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Just wanted to say thank you to God, for strength over the past few days. I've been coming back very late, sleeping super late, and waking up super early these past few days. Right now is Saturday 2nd June. I've been sick on monday, and then started recovering on tuesday, till now still little phlegmy but I believe I am healed. My worry was that if your fatigued, your more likely to get sick again. But I reject that in Jesus name. :P
On tuesday, I've been working very hard to complete my assignment till 4am,
Woke up at 7 to work whole day and presentation Scott's urban life at night, then at night slept very late as well, God suddenly revealed something cool to me, and then slept like 3am.
Woke up at 7 as well for work on Thursdays which I had Daniel's urban life at night, finally get to sleep at around 3am.
Woke up at 7:30am on Friday for chinese presentation in the morning and then finance conference at afternoon. At night went out with Surein for drinks and dinner, just got back about 11pm, and now it's 2am. Feeling abit tired, but felt like I should write this and a few others as well as it's really on my heart and I don't want to lose it.
Yeah, and in all this, I was quite sick and abit worried for my health, but was listening continually to Pastor Prince's new series on Divine Health. Has been a ultimately great awesome blessing on my life. I love it when Pastor Prince says that God will give you strength when it matters. Like Jesus on earth, he was always going here and there and blessing and preaching, and rarely rested. But he was always full with the Holy Spirit that gave him strength.
In YOUR time of need, wait on the Lord by prayer, speaking of tongues, praise and worship. And HE SHALL RENEW YOUR STRENGTH!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Naked man at Gethsemane
Mark 14:51 - And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body, and the young men laid hold on him: 52And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.
.... Bwahahahhaa.. I don't know, I personally found that super funny. Who was that young man? Running away naked. So weird.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
New Blog
I had some thought about this especially after having a chat with my brother, and it's probably for the better that I separate my blog from the normal stuff and from my Christian walk. As these reflections especially concerning Christ are very intimate and to have them broadcasted especially to people who don't know Christ may portray wrong things at times.
Thus, this is my new blog, in which I will start writing things related to Christ over here, whereas my initial blog back in Friendster would be of more other stuff.
Insecurity, not being secure in who you are, being comfortable with yourself.
I wouldn't say I have been struggling with it in a big way per se, but I have been hanging out with bunch of people that are younger than me, and the strangest thing is that their not very much younger, but yet it was for a while made me feel.. uh.. maybe old or boring. Hahah.
Ok, let me put this in better perspective. Simply put, my urban life or cell groups that I've been going to, most of them are at most 20, I reckon the average age in the cell group is around 19,20. Which is about 2 to 3 years younger than me, and the youngest is those straight out of high school in trinity, which is about 4 years. Sometimes its a bit hard to communicate, well even some of them my age its also hard to communicate. Like I'm on a different mindset at times when approaching life. They are too carefree whereas I am too... don't know what word do I use, focused? Tights? Think too much? Melancholic? Pondrous? Haha, now I'm starting to brag.
And although i wouldn't say I have been trying hard to fit in. But it did quite pose a question to my character, which I have been pondering about. I am with like-minded people in terms of Christ, but not necessarily like minded in terms of will, calling, and purpose. But I guess it's just a matter of looking around, which they are there, just I haven't been looking hard enough. Concerning this of my thoughts I've went through over these past few weeks and probably months, I'm writing this in a thought, putting thought on paper to be revised. I tend to like this moment of reflection, to write, then rethink, then redo it again and again. Something of a discipline I am trying to adopt.
But then again, the past 4 years since after high school has been one of tremendous growth that sometimes I feel I'm jumping the steps because I've been mentored by my brother and sister in law, great Men of God, and many other interesting people i've come across or read about in my life. And I thank God, the seeds has started bearing fruit. Especially since coming to Australia, it's been another jump in growth in planetshakers and just simply living here, coping studies, work, church and friends.
I thank God I have been exposed a little to the harshness of this world, but never burnt, especially in terms of fear and poverty. Which would either make you bitter, or stand up and come to realization of needing Jesus more in our life. I thank God I've reaped not bitterness, but a bigger realisation where we cannot live life as the world views it. But MUST live life based on how God views it for us in our lives, in other words, the Kingdom realm. Being Kings and Priests. God's starting to reveal some light on this in my life, and I love it how it's so inter-related to Grace.
Ok, back to insecurity issues. I had to take some time to meditate on this issue, and I thank God for Pastor TD Jakes, my brother and Billy. Pastor TD Jakes preaching on dreams, goals, passion etc made me rethink what I stood for, what I believe I am going to do, and put me right back on track as to what I am called for, what my passion is. And same with my brother, who I had a chit chat with asking about his experiences with Pastor Vernon who is also a amazing man of God in healing and deliverance ministry as I was romantisized by the calling, which I needed to rethink, as I am romantisized with the ups but not thinking about the downs such as what that must be sacrificed out of obedience to pursue the dreams to be like Pastor Vernon and Pastor Bill Johnson, to be honest, I would obey and do it, but I have not the passion nor the calling, and it would be in vain if I pursue. And Billy, who his coolness just rubs off on to me, and begs the question where was my cool in the Lord? It kinda went out the window. :P
I believe My life, my destiny, my calling is different than others. Where I question myself trying to conform to people around me just to fit in, I should be conforming to the mind of Christ. I like how TD Jakes put it, "that we shouldn't care what the world thinks, some would laugh, some come to despise, and then some would eventually hate and fear you". It's the eventuality of following your dream, your purpose which God has set for you. Why the hate, the despise? Because you are destroying the works of the evil one by your blessings, your gifts, your fulfillment of HIS purpose.
Jesus is in my boat. :)
I'm super enjoying Mark 4:37-41. About the boat and the storm, and the disciples who some of them were fishermen were scared because of the crazy storm. That they woke Jesus up who was sleeping at the bottom of the ship. ANd Jesus calmed the storm.
You know what, JESUS is in my boat. And though the Storm are all over me, it will only last for a moment. No harm shall come over me, beyond the dark clouds, there is a bright shiney sun. Jesus is in my boat.
Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat. I'm going to take a nap with Jesus in my boat. :) Because, he is the Lord of Sabbath, the Lord of rest (Mark 2:28), so when the storm rises against me, I will be at Rest, I shall not fear. The storm will not overcome me, it will not devour me, it will not sink me, It will make me wet but I shall not drown. Because Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat.
Mysteroius mysteries
The bible is full of mysteries... the more I ask God to open my eyes to his mysteries, the more questions I have unanswered. Jesus is so interesting, sometimes I wonder why he does those things. Recently I've been trying to see what Jesus was seeing, think what he was thinking when he does things. But there's still so many mysteries and ... simply put, Jesus just thinks so differently compared to us all.
1) Why does Jesus tell people to openly tell the miracle that they have been cured, (Mark 5:19&20) and to some like Mark5:43, where Jesus old Jarius to keep it a secret? Was it to protect Jarius from getting the sack? (since he was the pharisee chief), and later in Mark 7:36 asking the deaf mute guy to tell no one. Is it in verse 36, "but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it", reverse psychology? :D Then why tell for the leper? You could say that to each different individual, Jesus tells different things etc etc... but there has to be something to it more than just that. What did Jesus see to say that? I don't believe Jesus plays dice.
2) Then there's another one that I've been talking to some people about, like the connection between emotions, our spiritman, and music. I think this was one of the things that ticked me off these couple of days, that people who try and intellectualize God and his works, putting him into a box, it's the spirit of legalism, that they better be preaching hard messages of fire and brimstone if not their not doing God's work. It's a spirit of legalism. They criticize hillsongs saying that music is all only emotions, feel good, there's no word, no substance bla bla bla.
But then again lots of Great Men of God were great people of worship. And there's none other like King David who wrote most of the book of Psalms, that even until today, the words in the book is still being sung. So much so that the Bible called David a Man who Longs after God's heart. David didn't have the bible during his time. And I don't he was a scribe or a student of the law of Moses. Yet through music and worship, there is something powerful going on there.
Like I liked what Jia Heng says, "like if you listen to violent music, somehow you'll get violent. It's like u open up yourself to the spiritual realm" I don't know if there's any verses on this, I have to do a bible study on these. But even in the old testament, the worshippers of God stood in front of the warriors, and the walls of Jericho came down in music and worship.
Another thing about Spirit, the Holy Spirit is definitely a person, aside from that, but what about spirit in general? The bible sometimes have things like spirit of joy and thanksgiving, Spirit of fear, spirit of worship etc. Makes me wonder whether spirit is an emotion.. what about evil spirit? Is it different from Demons? Is an Evil Spirit a emotion or spirit that which is not in line with the thoughts of God? For like Fear as an example. God told us not to Fear, even in the bible, the first people to enter into the lake of Fire is the fearful.
There is definitely some connection with music and the spirit. I think I should download some of Pastor Brian Houston. Hehe maybe he has insights on worship. Hehe. Worship churches though you may think their wordless, it's actually far from it, their so full of the word, that they go out and do great signs, miracles and wonders in the Kingdom of God. It is hearing the rhema word (revelation), wrapping it up with faith, and going out and doing great wonders.
3) You know how the dove is a representation of the Holy Spirit? One question that kind popped into my head, I don't know if it's right or wrong, if it's wrong then correct me please, hahah this one is so contreversial to me it sounds almost blasphemy :P. But when Jesus was baptised, he saw into heaven a dove (the Spirit of God) descended unto him. Was it the Holy Spirit? There is no record of Jesus doing any great miracles before the baptism, only he had great insight and wisdom. Before the baptism, did Jesus have the Holy Spirit inside him before the baptism? Or was he only just truly human and human alone? Hehe, well the third one it's not quite a mystery, but maybe I just need to have a deeper revelation on how Jesus was truly man, God in Man flesh. Sometimes you see Jesus as God, but not necessarily as Man as well.
There's many more, and I'm asking God to reveal, to unlock his secret revelation. There's alot of power and deeper understanding of his love for me in all of these.
Good news and fear?
I called back home in Malaysia to wish my mom 'happy mothers day'. And my mom had some good news, that we will be getting in some money soon, which would be great for my next semester fee's and also have to pay off some stuff like my medibank insurance and stuff.
And I was briefed on the current progress of business, it's like brighter than ever, and also up coming projects which are even bigger, better and more awesome. Then I was trying to explain to my sister some of them. But she said that she didn't want to hear it. Because she would get anxious and fearful.
I mean, I rebuked her with gentlesness. Haha. I told her not to fear, but learn to rejoice. But like mans wisdom of "Don't count your eggs before it hatches", I mean, there is some truth in that, that you don't get cocky, or start going into debt based on uncertain future earnings.
But upon hearing good news, potential business, and greater blessings from the Lord, you shouldn't be fearful and start going 'what if'. I'm not saying that my sister is lousy or anything. We all went through it. But in the name of Jesus, I shall not live in fear, I shall not listen to the lies of the devil. When the Lord blesses with awesome big blessings, of course the devil is trying to oppose it even more, but My God is bigger, stronger. No weapon form against me shall prosper.
I like what Pastor Bill Johnson says, why is it that when we start getting closer and more intimate with God, why do we believe that we are less protected? What army has less protection for it's Generals?
Thus, When I hear good news, I shall praise the Lord , when I hear bad news, I shall praise the Lord. I shall not fear, but have faith, that my redeemer, my God is bigger than all my problems, all my circumstance and he shall protect all my assets and the people whom I love.
Question of Grace
This question got me thinking the entire morning and afternoon, it's a simple question, and also makes you question your mindset about God, or prayers.
Which one would you pick?
1) Daddy God, bless me so that I may bless others
2) Daddy God, bless me because Jesus died on the Cross for me.
This question got me thinking the whole day, on the concept of God, are we bribing him or trying to get favor from him? Do you really understand the significance of Christ death on the cross for us, and the question of unearned, undeserved favor either wise known as Grace?
I pick number 2 by the way.
I mean, honestly, I used to pray number 1 until quite recently. Nothing wrong with that kind of prayer, but there is a higher calling and greater understanding in prayer number 2. I believe in blessings, with all my heart, I believe God wants to bless all of us, Romans 11:11 and many others, Jesus blessed the people, most great men of God were very very rich and powerful, Churches like Hillsongs, Paradise are so big and powerful that they even have political connections, God is putting people in places of power and of influence for his Kingdom. I believe in blessings, and we should always ask God for it. God is delighted by our requests, and he wants us to learn to be responsible with it, and prosper.
But like Pastor Bill Johnson quoting someone else says, that when "God Prospers someone, did he gain a champion or did he lose one", God like a good father wants to give things to children who are responsible, like the verse goes those who have little, more will be added. Bla bla. Too lazy to find verses, plus this is a reflection not really a preaching. Muahhaa. Happy reading. But this was my thoughts on Thursday.
So what is wrong with prayer 1? Nothing wrong. Just that I am looking at myself when I am asking God to prosper me. I wouldn't go as far as saying I am 'bribing' God for my blessings. But what is my intention when I ask God to bless me? I am looking at my own works, Why should he bless me because I can bless others? It sounds noble, but at the same time it's not really a humble statement. Bless ME, so that I can bless others. If this statement was good enough, then all churches in the world would be prosperous, booming, doing awesome, and the world would tremble.
Then whats so special about Prayer 2? It is not looking at myself. Bless ME, because JESUS died on the cross for me. You are looking at the finished work of the Cross as your source of blessing. It is asking God for blessings based on the knowledge and understanding of HIS love, HIS sacrifice, HIS faithfulness. Lest any man boast. (Woah, I just came up with new revelation just thinking about this even more). When you ask God for a blessing, based on Jesus death, you cannot boast when you are rich and powerful and blessed, that it is by your faithfulness or your works wanting to help others that you are blessed. But when any man ask you, "John, why are you so blessed?".. I'll shout in their face "JESUS BLESSED ME~!" I believe God is pleased with this kind of thinking. That you honour Jesus. That every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.
If you view Your faithfulness as your source of blessing, you are going to fail. Because I know I am not that faithful, not even close. Jesus however, he is the only perfect being. And if you depend on Jesus, how can you ever go wrong?
Now coming to the act of service. Coming abit back to prayer number 1 again, lets reverse the sentence, "I bless others, so that God can bless me". What is my intention here? Is my intention to serve and to bless others, is it so that I can get blessings from God? There is something abit wrong there whether you realise it or not, there is some level of false humility, or wrong sense of thought.
Reversing prayer 1 "Jesus died on the Cross, so that God can Bless me". Buahahahahahhahahaha.. holy Cow, that just blew my mind away!!!!! Aaaargh!!! Jesuuss!!! Holy MOly!! I'm jumping up and down in my room now. I wish my room was sound-proof, I just feel like screaming the name of Jesus to the top of my lungs right now till the walls come down. It's such a powerful revelation of God's love. Jesus Died on the Cross FOR ME, BECAUSE OF HIM, I AM BLESSSSSSSSEEEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My intention to serve and bless others. Am I doing it so I can get blessing? Or is it because I am slowly understanding how much God loves me, and now I love God so bloody much, I just can't help myself but just willing to go out and do anything he tells me to do. I offer my life to you Lord Jesus!!! You told me the other day, that I don't know what it means to offer my life to you, But i'm going to wrap faith around it, and do it slowly bit by bit at the time when you open up the doors for me to serve you.
But Waaaaaahhhhh!! This Revelation of How God loves me, and that is why he is pouring out his CRAZY blessings on me.. It's just wow.... I feel like punching someone with a healing punch right now. Punch them in the face, then they turn hamsem. *punches self*.. ok.. now i'm calm. :)
Thinking like Jesus
Have you ever wondered what Jesus was thinking when you read the bible? Either than just reading his acts, but going into his character, understanding what he felt, why he did such things? I mean, somethings are truly beyond us, but to think what he thinks, therein lies great revelation and loveliness to behold.
Like, when Jesus looked at 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and then fed five thousand, then again he fed the four thousand with 7 loaves and a few fishes.When Jesus looks at bread, what does he see? Does he see just a few loaves? Or a miracle happening? Does he see divine providence and prosperity?
When the storms were roaring, and even seasoned fishermen like Peter was scared in the sea of galilee, yet Jesus slept calmly and silently in the boat. What does Jesus see? With long life will I satisfy him, no righteous man shall die before his time. Jesus only awoke not at the rocking of the ship, but at the cry of his disciples in fear. Like a lovely father, who hears the cry of his child of the shadow of the big fat neighbours cat. What does Jesus see? Does see divine protection upon me, and my family and all my loved ones?
When Jesus sees a sick person on the street, a leper, a blind man, does he see a sick person? Or a full person the way God intended it? Does he see restoration and healing?
And when he see Jarius daughter dead, and Lazarus, does he see someone gone forever? Or just sleeping? Does he see resurrection and life?
When God looks at Abraham, who did not have a son, and is old in age, what does God see? Is it just Abraham alone? His generation to come? His seed? Seed is a potential to grow, and until today, the seed of Abraham is the most powerful men and women of earth in wealth, technology and influence of top countries in the world.
I'm always curious as to what God see's in me, what he see's that I can do with my life, and what I should be doing. I mean, I want to live a fulfilled life, fulfilled in his fullness and grace. The way we should look at life is the way Jesus looks at life. I mean i'm not there yet, far from it, but doesn't mean I stop searching for more mysteries available.