Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Naked man at Gethsemane

Was reading the bible last night. I was trying to figure out who was this man? It's such a strange verse. I don't believe there's any verses in the bible there is there for no reason. But this is just weird. I tried cross-checking Matthew, Luke and John, there seems to be no mention about this, but it's only mentioned in Mark. Weird. Hahaha

Mark 14:51 - And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body, and the young men laid hold on him: 52And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.

.... Bwahahahhaa.. I don't know, I personally found that super funny. Who was that young man? Running away naked. So weird.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Blog

Hi, welcome to my new blog, I kinda shifted tons of stuff from my old blog over. Especially Christian stuff.

I had some thought about this especially after having a chat with my brother, and it's probably for the better that I separate my blog from the normal stuff and from my Christian walk. As these reflections especially concerning Christ are very intimate and to have them broadcasted especially to people who don't know Christ may portray wrong things at times.

Thus, this is my new blog, in which I will start writing things related to Christ over here, whereas my initial blog back in Friendster would be of more other stuff.


Insecurity, not being secure in who you are, being comfortable with yourself.

I wouldn't say I have been struggling with it in a big way per se, but I have been hanging out with bunch of people that are younger than me, and the strangest thing is that their not very much younger, but yet it was for a while made me feel.. uh.. maybe old or boring. Hahah.

Ok, let me put this in better perspective. Simply put, my urban life or cell groups that I've been going to, most of them are at most 20, I reckon the average age in the cell group is around 19,20. Which is about 2 to 3 years younger than me, and the youngest is those straight out of high school in trinity, which is about 4 years. Sometimes its a bit hard to communicate, well even some of them my age its also hard to communicate. Like I'm on a different mindset at times when approaching life. They are too carefree whereas I am too... don't know what word do I use, focused? Tights? Think too much? Melancholic? Pondrous? Haha, now I'm starting to brag.

And although i wouldn't say I have been trying hard to fit in. But it did quite pose a question to my character, which I have been pondering about. I am with like-minded people in terms of Christ, but not necessarily like minded in terms of will, calling, and purpose. But I guess it's just a matter of looking around, which they are there, just I haven't been looking hard enough. Concerning this of my thoughts I've went through over these past few weeks and probably months, I'm writing this in a thought, putting thought on paper to be revised. I tend to like this moment of reflection, to write, then rethink, then redo it again and again. Something of a discipline I am trying to adopt.

But then again, the past 4 years since after high school has been one of tremendous growth that sometimes I feel I'm jumping the steps because I've been mentored by my brother and sister in law, great Men of God, and many other interesting people i've come across or read about in my life. And I thank God, the seeds has started bearing fruit. Especially since coming to Australia, it's been another jump in growth in planetshakers and just simply living here, coping studies, work, church and friends.

I thank God I have been exposed a little to the harshness of this world, but never burnt, especially in terms of fear and poverty. Which would either make you bitter, or stand up and come to realization of needing Jesus more in our life. I thank God I've reaped not bitterness, but a bigger realisation where we cannot live life as the world views it. But MUST live life based on how God views it for us in our lives, in other words, the Kingdom realm. Being Kings and Priests. God's starting to reveal some light on this in my life, and I love it how it's so inter-related to Grace.

Ok, back to insecurity issues. I had to take some time to meditate on this issue, and I thank God for Pastor TD Jakes, my brother and Billy. Pastor TD Jakes preaching on dreams, goals, passion etc made me rethink what I stood for, what I believe I am going to do, and put me right back on track as to what I am called for, what my passion is. And same with my brother, who I had a chit chat with asking about his experiences with Pastor Vernon who is also a amazing man of God in healing and deliverance ministry as I was romantisized by the calling, which I needed to rethink, as I am romantisized with the ups but not thinking about the downs such as what that must be sacrificed out of obedience to pursue the dreams to be like Pastor Vernon and Pastor Bill Johnson, to be honest, I would obey and do it, but I have not the passion nor the calling, and it would be in vain if I pursue. And Billy, who his coolness just rubs off on to me, and begs the question where was my cool in the Lord? It kinda went out the window. :P

I believe My life, my destiny, my calling is different than others. Where I question myself trying to conform to people around me just to fit in, I should be conforming to the mind of Christ. I like how TD Jakes put it, "that we shouldn't care what the world thinks, some would laugh, some come to despise, and then some would eventually hate and fear you". It's the eventuality of following your dream, your purpose which God has set for you. Why the hate, the despise? Because you are destroying the works of the evil one by your blessings, your gifts, your fulfillment of HIS purpose.

Jesus is in my boat. :)

I'm super enjoying Mark 4:37-41. About the boat and the storm, and the disciples who some of them were fishermen were scared because of the crazy storm. That they woke Jesus up who was sleeping at the bottom of the ship. ANd Jesus calmed the storm.

You know what, JESUS is in my boat. And though the Storm are all over me, it will only last for a moment. No harm shall come over me, beyond the dark clouds, there is a bright shiney sun. Jesus is in my boat.

Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat. I'm going to take a nap with Jesus in my boat. :) Because, he is the Lord of Sabbath, the Lord of rest (Mark 2:28), so when the storm rises against me, I will be at Rest, I shall not fear. The storm will not overcome me, it will not devour me, it will not sink me, It will make me wet but I shall not drown. Because Jesus is in my boat, Jesus is in my boat.

Mysteroius mysteries

The bible is full of mysteries... the more I ask God to open my eyes to his mysteries, the more questions I have unanswered. Jesus is so interesting, sometimes I wonder why he does those things. Recently I've been trying to see what Jesus was seeing, think what he was thinking when he does things. But there's still so many mysteries and ... simply put, Jesus just thinks so differently compared to us all.


1) Why does Jesus tell people to openly tell the miracle that they have been cured, (Mark 5:19&20) and to some like Mark5:43, where Jesus old Jarius to keep it a secret? Was it to protect Jarius from getting the sack? (since he was the pharisee chief), and later in Mark 7:36 asking the deaf mute guy to tell no one. Is it in verse 36, "but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it", reverse psychology? :D Then why tell for the leper? You could say that to each different individual, Jesus tells different things etc etc... but there has to be something to it more than just that. What did Jesus see to say that? I don't believe Jesus plays dice.

2) Then there's another one that I've been talking to some people about, like the connection between emotions, our spiritman, and music. I think this was one of the things that ticked me off these couple of days, that people who try and intellectualize God and his works, putting him into a box, it's the spirit of legalism, that they better be preaching hard messages of fire and brimstone if not their not doing God's work. It's a spirit of legalism. They criticize hillsongs saying that music is all only emotions, feel good, there's no word, no substance bla bla bla.

But then again lots of Great Men of God were great people of worship. And there's none other like King David who wrote most of the book of Psalms, that even until today, the words in the book is still being sung. So much so that the Bible called David a Man who Longs after God's heart. David didn't have the bible during his time. And I don't he was a scribe or a student of the law of Moses. Yet through music and worship, there is something powerful going on there.

Like I liked what Jia Heng says, "like if you listen to violent music, somehow you'll get violent. It's like u open up yourself to the spiritual realm" I don't know if there's any verses on this, I have to do a bible study on these. But even in the old testament, the worshippers of God stood in front of the warriors, and the walls of Jericho came down in music and worship.

Another thing about Spirit, the Holy Spirit is definitely a person, aside from that, but what about spirit in general? The bible sometimes have things like spirit of joy and thanksgiving, Spirit of fear, spirit of worship etc. Makes me wonder whether spirit is an emotion.. what about evil spirit? Is it different from Demons? Is an Evil Spirit a emotion or spirit that which is not in line with the thoughts of God? For like Fear as an example. God told us not to Fear, even in the bible, the first people to enter into the lake of Fire is the fearful.

There is definitely some connection with music and the spirit. I think I should download some of Pastor Brian Houston. Hehe maybe he has insights on worship. Hehe. Worship churches though you may think their wordless, it's actually far from it, their so full of the word, that they go out and do great signs, miracles and wonders in the Kingdom of God. It is hearing the rhema word (revelation), wrapping it up with faith, and going out and doing great wonders.

3) You know how the dove is a representation of the Holy Spirit? One question that kind popped into my head, I don't know if it's right or wrong, if it's wrong then correct me please, hahah this one is so contreversial to me it sounds almost blasphemy :P. But when Jesus was baptised, he saw into heaven a dove (the Spirit of God) descended unto him. Was it the Holy Spirit? There is no record of Jesus doing any great miracles before the baptism, only he had great insight and wisdom. Before the baptism, did Jesus have the Holy Spirit inside him before the baptism? Or was he only just truly human and human alone? Hehe, well the third one it's not quite a mystery, but maybe I just need to have a deeper revelation on how Jesus was truly man, God in Man flesh. Sometimes you see Jesus as God, but not necessarily as Man as well.

There's many more, and I'm asking God to reveal, to unlock his secret revelation. There's alot of power and deeper understanding of his love for me in all of these.

Good news and fear?

I called back home in Malaysia to wish my mom 'happy mothers day'. And my mom had some good news, that we will be getting in some money soon, which would be great for my next semester fee's and also have to pay off some stuff like my medibank insurance and stuff.

And I was briefed on the current progress of business, it's like brighter than ever, and also up coming projects which are even bigger, better and more awesome. Then I was trying to explain to my sister some of them. But she said that she didn't want to hear it. Because she would get anxious and fearful.

I mean, I rebuked her with gentlesness. Haha. I told her not to fear, but learn to rejoice. But like mans wisdom of "Don't count your eggs before it hatches", I mean, there is some truth in that, that you don't get cocky, or start going into debt based on uncertain future earnings.

But upon hearing good news, potential business, and greater blessings from the Lord, you shouldn't be fearful and start going 'what if'. I'm not saying that my sister is lousy or anything. We all went through it. But in the name of Jesus, I shall not live in fear, I shall not listen to the lies of the devil. When the Lord blesses with awesome big blessings, of course the devil is trying to oppose it even more, but My God is bigger, stronger. No weapon form against me shall prosper.

I like what Pastor Bill Johnson says, why is it that when we start getting closer and more intimate with God, why do we believe that we are less protected? What army has less protection for it's Generals?

Thus, When I hear good news, I shall praise the Lord , when I hear bad news, I shall praise the Lord. I shall not fear, but have faith, that my redeemer, my God is bigger than all my problems, all my circumstance and he shall protect all my assets and the people whom I love.

Question of Grace

This question got me thinking the entire morning and afternoon, it's a simple question, and also makes you question your mindset about God, or prayers.

Which one would you pick?
1) Daddy God, bless me so that I may bless others
2) Daddy God, bless me because Jesus died on the Cross for me.

This question got me thinking the whole day, on the concept of God, are we bribing him or trying to get favor from him? Do you really understand the significance of Christ death on the cross for us, and the question of unearned, undeserved favor either wise known as Grace?

I pick number 2 by the way.

I mean, honestly, I used to pray number 1 until quite recently. Nothing wrong with that kind of prayer, but there is a higher calling and greater understanding in prayer number 2. I believe in blessings, with all my heart, I believe God wants to bless all of us, Romans 11:11 and many others, Jesus blessed the people, most great men of God were very very rich and powerful, Churches like Hillsongs, Paradise are so big and powerful that they even have political connections, God is putting people in places of power and of influence for his Kingdom. I believe in blessings, and we should always ask God for it. God is delighted by our requests, and he wants us to learn to be responsible with it, and prosper.

But like Pastor Bill Johnson quoting someone else says, that when "God Prospers someone, did he gain a champion or did he lose one", God like a good father wants to give things to children who are responsible, like the verse goes those who have little, more will be added. Bla bla. Too lazy to find verses, plus this is a reflection not really a preaching. Muahhaa. Happy reading. But this was my thoughts on Thursday.

So what is wrong with prayer 1? Nothing wrong. Just that I am looking at myself when I am asking God to prosper me. I wouldn't go as far as saying I am 'bribing' God for my blessings. But what is my intention when I ask God to bless me? I am looking at my own works, Why should he bless me because I can bless others? It sounds noble, but at the same time it's not really a humble statement. Bless ME, so that I can bless others. If this statement was good enough, then all churches in the world would be prosperous, booming, doing awesome, and the world would tremble.

Then whats so special about Prayer 2? It is not looking at myself. Bless ME, because JESUS died on the cross for me. You are looking at the finished work of the Cross as your source of blessing. It is asking God for blessings based on the knowledge and understanding of HIS love, HIS sacrifice, HIS faithfulness. Lest any man boast. (Woah, I just came up with new revelation just thinking about this even more). When you ask God for a blessing, based on Jesus death, you cannot boast when you are rich and powerful and blessed, that it is by your faithfulness or your works wanting to help others that you are blessed. But when any man ask you, "John, why are you so blessed?".. I'll shout in their face "JESUS BLESSED ME~!" I believe God is pleased with this kind of thinking. That you honour Jesus. That every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.

If you view Your faithfulness as your source of blessing, you are going to fail. Because I know I am not that faithful, not even close. Jesus however, he is the only perfect being. And if you depend on Jesus, how can you ever go wrong?

Now coming to the act of service. Coming abit back to prayer number 1 again, lets reverse the sentence, "I bless others, so that God can bless me". What is my intention here? Is my intention to serve and to bless others, is it so that I can get blessings from God? There is something abit wrong there whether you realise it or not, there is some level of false humility, or wrong sense of thought.

Reversing prayer 1 "Jesus died on the Cross, so that God can Bless me". Buahahahahahhahahaha.. holy Cow, that just blew my mind away!!!!! Aaaargh!!! Jesuuss!!! Holy MOly!! I'm jumping up and down in my room now. I wish my room was sound-proof, I just feel like screaming the name of Jesus to the top of my lungs right now till the walls come down. It's such a powerful revelation of God's love. Jesus Died on the Cross FOR ME, BECAUSE OF HIM, I AM BLESSSSSSSSEEEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My intention to serve and bless others. Am I doing it so I can get blessing? Or is it because I am slowly understanding how much God loves me, and now I love God so bloody much, I just can't help myself but just willing to go out and do anything he tells me to do. I offer my life to you Lord Jesus!!! You told me the other day, that I don't know what it means to offer my life to you, But i'm going to wrap faith around it, and do it slowly bit by bit at the time when you open up the doors for me to serve you.

But Waaaaaahhhhh!! This Revelation of How God loves me, and that is why he is pouring out his CRAZY blessings on me.. It's just wow.... I feel like punching someone with a healing punch right now. Punch them in the face, then they turn hamsem. *punches self*.. ok.. now i'm calm. :)

Thinking like Jesus

Have you ever wondered what Jesus was thinking when you read the bible? Either than just reading his acts, but going into his character, understanding what he felt, why he did such things? I mean, somethings are truly beyond us, but to think what he thinks, therein lies great revelation and loveliness to behold.

Like, when Jesus looked at 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and then fed five thousand, then again he fed the four thousand with 7 loaves and a few fishes.When Jesus looks at bread, what does he see? Does he see just a few loaves? Or a miracle happening? Does he see divine providence and prosperity?

When the storms were roaring, and even seasoned fishermen like Peter was scared in the sea of galilee, yet Jesus slept calmly and silently in the boat. What does Jesus see? With long life will I satisfy him, no righteous man shall die before his time. Jesus only awoke not at the rocking of the ship, but at the cry of his disciples in fear. Like a lovely father, who hears the cry of his child of the shadow of the big fat neighbours cat. What does Jesus see? Does see divine protection upon me, and my family and all my loved ones?

When Jesus sees a sick person on the street, a leper, a blind man, does he see a sick person? Or a full person the way God intended it? Does he see restoration and healing?

And when he see Jarius daughter dead, and Lazarus, does he see someone gone forever? Or just sleeping? Does he see resurrection and life?

When God looks at Abraham, who did not have a son, and is old in age, what does God see? Is it just Abraham alone? His generation to come? His seed? Seed is a potential to grow, and until today, the seed of Abraham is the most powerful men and women of earth in wealth, technology and influence of top countries in the world.

I'm always curious as to what God see's in me, what he see's that I can do with my life, and what I should be doing. I mean, I want to live a fulfilled life, fulfilled in his fullness and grace. The way we should look at life is the way Jesus looks at life. I mean i'm not there yet, far from it, but doesn't mean I stop searching for more mysteries available.

Changing my mind

You know what, Kathleen was telling me the other day, or last month, that I've changed alot since coming to Planetshakers. Haha. I mean, I'm now less diplomatic in my answers.

Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I mean, I guess I haven't been in church or among Christians for quite a while before that, since FBC, I did go to RLC once in a while, but I never really stuck on, my mind was everywhere when I was in Metropolitan still, I knew I was leaving for Melbourne, just never quite sure when.

So being away from Christians you do tend to think more carnally. Carnal as in what the world thinks, not in align to God's will. Like for me, during last year and the year before, I was too hooked up on Otherground Forum and Nationstates forum, which is mostly just people bickering on about politics or nonsense junk that didn't quite go anywhere. I mean politics, ideology, religion, and current issues fascinate me once in a while. It's good to learn somewhat, but most of the time it's nonsensical bickering of overzealous teenagers or college kids with too much time on their hands.

Even if you win a debate, there's some other idiot who keeps on coming back and asking you the same question. Where you win 1, and another 3 comes up. Haha. Neverending like the hydra!! But the good thing is that it opened up my eyes to the many different people out there, and how people really think differently coming from all over the world.

Like for me, some I still cannot stand are communists, socialists, and the worst anarchists, all talking about their grand ideas for world unification and world peace if everyone was equal, if only the ogliarchs like Bush is taken down bla bla. And then there's atheists who never gives up talking about who irritating bible bashers are, when their rants are probably just as irritating ranting about it. Heheh, talk about calling the kettle black, but with Fred Phelps, the modern day Pharisee getting all the news headlines, no wonder they think Christians are all fire and brimstone, and they believe God is out to get them. And I really hated the time when there were those arguements (which is still on going today) about creationism and evolution. Meh.. it never ends!!! Hence I haven't been back there since.

But yeah, going back to my first statement, where Kathleen was telling me how i'm different now. Yep it's true. I think i've taken a more 'let go and let God' stance. I've been really blessed all my life and I've never really counted my blessings. I've been chasing after things that come to no fruition, my focus on life was chasing after carnal intellect. I used to be pretty up to date with the market trends, the social and economic issues in Malaysia, and was trying to follow Australia as well, but I've tone down.But like I said before, carnal intellect. Now I'm trying to get back to Jesus. I'm not saying that carnal intellect is useless, but rather it's no guarantee to succeed.

1 Corinthians 1:25
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

So, to me, I'm trying to get back to the source of wisdom. Get back into grace, the undeserved and unmerited favor of God in my life. It's as if now my focus on life, is no more on the 'success' but on Jesus. But like my brother says, just don't get Crazymatic on the way. Hahaha, but 1st Timothy 1:7, He gives me a Sound Mind. :) I claim that.

Man, I feel like I can suddenly burst out into talking alot of new things. But I think I better stop here, before I get out of topic. So yeah, I had to repent, which means "Change my mind", change my idea's, think differently recently, since going to Planetshakers.

Planetshakers Camp

Yes, I got back from it. And it was aweeeeeeeesome. I felt as if my level of faith and passion of the Lord has multifold. It was really great. I never jumped, never screamed, never laughed so much in one day. It was a really fantastic getaway from life and just chill back among fellow like minded friends. I'm so amped, I wish I could just go to a mountain and scream how much I love Jesus right now.

I guess the thing that I got most out of camp would be a spirit of worship. I've never rocked so hard, given the Lord or screamed so hard of his goodness ever. Hence now my voice is abit soft and superlow. :P But when it recovers, hahaha. Watch out devil!

I wish it was longer. It was a really great event. I even get to do my first slaining! Hahaha. Well it wasn't me, it's actually God through me. But thats great. I was praying for Gideon who put up his hand because he was sick. And everyone else was praying for someone else, but no one was praying for Gideon, so I put my hand on his back, and started praying in tongues. Then I started shouting "In the name of Jesus, Be Healed, the reason Jesus wants you to be healed its because he loves you", then started praying in tongues, and piak. He fell to the floor. Hahah. I had to catch him. And the funny thing was that I was praying for him from behind. And I didn't pull or push him. I just put my hand gently on his back while praying, and piak. :D But it's all great. I really thank God I can be a real blessing to him, that Jesus can use me to bless others.

Hence, I'm going really fired up about it. I want God to use me more. Lord! Use ME! I want to be a blessing to everyone around me. I know I can. I want people to step into the room and go 'eh, it's different.'.

Like Pastor Matt's preaching, that Passionate Christians in John Chapter 12
1) Give extravagantly
2) Worship Radically (YEAH!)
3) Change atmospheres
4) Expose religious hearts
5) Prepare the way for the resurrected King!!!

I was really touched by his message, now that I think of it. It was very uplifting. I really loved the firefighter analogy.

About in the fire department, there's 4 people. The Firefighter, who fights fires. Firetruck Driver, who drives the truck, Firetruck Mechanic, who fixes the firetruck, and the desk lady (Pei Jet) who make sure everythings prepared. What do they have in common?

They all fight fires. In one way or another. Hence we as Christians, though we are from different fields going out into the market. But our main purpose is to bring people to Christ!!


Living the victorious life.

Was in church last Sunday. Out of the blue, I felt God telling me, "John, I want you to live a life, that before I bless you, will be the same as after I bless you, that you would not change, you will be the same, you must be prepared". Hence, for me, my resurgance of faith recently. I believe God is preparing me recently. Preparing my heart and mind for bigger things in store and the Big thing is very close. I feel as if I can almost touch it.

To some extent, trying to be prepared, it's almost ambiguous, I don't really understand or know what does it mean to be prepared. Hence recently I've been so hungry. Hungry for more spiritual food and spiritual growth. I want to seriously demand more, and pursue for more. I've been downloading alot of great men of God, their sermons and just been listening, and slowly trying to hit the main source, which is the bible. But i'm not there yet. I want to be at the stage, where the day I don't read my bible, I feel theres something missing in my life, unlike now, when I do read the bible I go 'uh' 'what the'. :D

In terms to being blessings, Like Spiderman says, great power comes great responsibility. I know I am not responsible, I know I am not smart, I know I am not wise, I know I am not strong. But with God, all things are possible. I believe he will empower me. He is my teacher, he is my business partner, he is my Daddy God. Hence, I want to learn to hear his voice more. In every circumstance of my voice.

In terms of my first step. Jesus says believe you receive. Mark 11:24, not the other way round. It sounds easy enough. But believing is more than just mentally knowing that you have it, but knowing also in your heart, in your words. You can tell whether a person believes by the words of his heart. And I want to start saying words of victory in my life. Hence, I want to live the victorious life.

How real is God to you?

I dunno this question just struck me recently. How real is God to me? Do you believe God is God? Does he really exist and how much influence does he has on my life. Since joining planetshakers. I really learned how to resubmit alot of my life to him. Put down my life, many aspects of my life that I haven't given up to him. Put it on the altar, and let him take control.

And you know what. God is very very very very real. Makes me wonder what have I been missing out over these last couple of years. What life lessons he has for me that I have been missing out? What has the devil been robbing me off these past few years? I want it back! I want to live a spirit-filled life, I want to be a man of God, I want to live an empowered life. Not like the life that the world offers, but the life that only Jesus offers.

I believe I've just taken my first step into a new and exciting life. I've been a Christian all my life, but strangely enough I've never taken this road down before. A road that is just fully led by him.

The bank account mystery

I've been giving and giving and giving money away. To blokes on the road (I like this guy on bourke street who plays the harmonica and guitar, and some violinist on Elizebeth) and been giving my tithes to church and abit more. And the strange part is, my bank account is constantly at AUD300. Hahah. I don't believe I've worked that much or anything, but Its constantly there. Praying now for 100 times more of that. :o)

When I had 70 dollars in my bank and 60 dollars in my wallet like 1 month ago, I was looking at it really hard. But without worry or shed a tear, I told God "Hey Dad, I'll leave it to you". And then wa-lah. Seems to stick at 300. And I got a good job, and everything seems set. Now to start building up on my savings. I really thank God for everything. He's just been so good, and it's only going to get better.

God is so good to me! :)

Yes he has been. And he is.

I've just been spending some moments of reflection on the time I since I came here to Melbourne. I mean, there's been some really wonderful and blessed moments. Some down moments, but overall it's been a great experience.

I guess some of the biggest blessings that strike me would be my job. From how I managed to work in Fry's, eventually moving on to Melbourne Uni and currently. All the way I went, I suffered none, and all my jobs have been relaxing in a good working environment with encouragement and good supervision. I felt working at Melbourne Uni Law Faculty a really great and wonderful experience. From learning to work with people and under a great boss Heather Thomas. There's so many things I've learned especially the style of management.

Secondly, probably my apartment. Everyday the more I stay here, the more I'm falling in love with this place. You know thats a great feeling. That when you got something, and everyday it's surprising you in many different ways. The only big problem I have with it it's just the parking lots. :P

Thirdly, probably church. I mean, Planetshakers. It's been a real blessing to my life. It's like a fresh renewing of my faith and my belief. Thats the strange part, I have too much knowledge but of no love. Well, not that I have alot of knowledge, but I do have with some confidence more bible knowledge than the average joe I suppose. And I think Planetshakers is a great church for me to grow, to take the next step into a new realm of faith.

Fourth, Just simply living here. I haven't had any bad experience I could think of. Mostly have been either just a blur. Which means either boring. And good memories. :P I guess some of the good experiences are going out with friends eating around, and simply living here. Like I said. Going to victoria market, buying all sorts of weird and interesting food. Cooking and eating!

Planetshakers. My new home church?

Today I went to Planetshakers with my cousin Ai Ling. It was very very good, great worship as expected. The preaching was alright.

But what struck me very powerfully and positively. Is that, it's a church that listens to God's voice. I was talking with Billy, a new made friend for nearly an hour. Was chit chatting about his business, and then about church hopping. He was really honest about his opinion and of course he has the best intentions for me. But what struck me was the genuiness and power in his words.

It wasn't a normal intelligent speech, or mind games or play with words. But it was a heart searching prophetic word of knowledge. How it made me search myself.

I've been very blessed to learn from the best, I have knowledge, but I have not found love. Hence I believe in my Christian life I have been somewhat an empty gong these past couple of years. But I think i've found a church where it is just the next step for me in my spiritual growth.

God is Love

I was talking to a friend few days ago. She said that she perceives that Christians act differently from other people. And she asked why. I personally thought that she was very extremely insightful. I probably never thought that way. I told her it's because we have a different perspective on life and love.

Whats the difference between Christianity and every other religion? They love God. And not fear him. Every other religion can claim God is powerful, God is great, God is just. But only Christianity can say God is love.

John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever would believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Every other religion, it says, if you want God to show his favour on you, if you don't want to be punished, you must DO, DO, DO, DO, DO, DO, DO. Do Good, Do 5 times prayer, Do...

Jesus said, It is DONE.

I used to thought that unconditional love especially from parents to their children is a normal thing. But truly it's not so. I know of many chinese parents who would easily beat up their kids because their love is conditional. Some don't even love their kids. You get all kinds of screwed up people in this world.

True love is unconditional, where someone would like you whether your good, or whether your bad. But how can you say God is love? God is a judicial God that good and evil must judged. How can God love you and bless you if you've done evil.Even the bible says that no evil deed shall go unpunished. (proverbs 11:21).

Thats where Jesus comes in. He is the loop hole. The sacrifice, the man who shall take away the sins of the World. The Jews believe in th transference of sins, so does Christians. That a person may suffer the consequence in your place if he wills to do so. God is a God of love, but at the same time he is a judicial God. Jesus is God in the flesh, the physical manifestation of God. Thus, he took it on to himself because he loves us. That there would be a way out for those who believe in him and receive his love.

Thus 1 John 4:10 says; Herein is love = Not that we loved God, but that he Loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

4:12 IF we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us.

4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment (punishment) he that feareth is not made in perfect love.

Every religion in the world Fear's God. They fear his punishement. Hence they worship God in Fear. But Christians don't fear God. We are the only one's who can call him Father (Romans 8:15).

The perception of God is different, the outlook on life is different because of it. Even the way we worship God is different. See all our songs, there are songs of praise and worship thanking him for what he's done on the cross.

hence, the bible teaches us to love everyone else like Jesus does.Hate the sin love the sinner. You don't have to like the sinner, but you must love him. Everyone's a sinner, there is no BIGGER sinner or SMALLER sins. Sin is a sin irregardless of whether it's murder or looking at a girl with lust. Hence, Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Romans 3:10 - There is none righteous no, not one.

Movies say, the biggest lie the devil ever told is making people believe he doesn't exist.
The biggest lie the devil ever told is that you can do it on your own without God.

God is love. He loves you, and he cares for you. He doesn't want you to suffer thats why he sent Jesus. Christ came that he took your sins that you are righteous, he took your poverty and gave you prosperity, he took your sickness that you may have divine health. Why? Because JESUS LOVES YOU.

My new blog

Hi everyone, This is my new Christ related blog.

After some thought especially after talking with my brother about it, I decided to move my Christian thoughts to this website rather than from my friendster blog.

I think it's for the best. I prefer my Christian blog to be somewhere more private than broadcasted as this is my private walk with God and my thoughts as I go through it. So do enjoy yourself here.